Vokabular- Vocabulário
Abkürzungen - Abreviaturas

Englische Abkürzungen
Abreviaturas inglesas

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ABC = American Broadcasting Corporation
ADN = Advanced Digital Network
ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AECT = Association for Educational Communications & Technology
AI = Amnesty International
AIDA = Attention - Interest, Desire - Action
AP = Associated Press
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BAK = Back At Keyboard
BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation
Binhex = BINary HEXadecimal
BIOS = Basic Input/Output System
BIS = Bank for International Settlements
BMP = Microsoft Windows Bitmap
BTW = By The Way
CAD = Computer Aided Design
CAE = Computer Aided Engineering
CAI = Computer Aided Industry
CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing
CBS = Columbia Broadcasting System
CCC = Commodity Credit Corporation
CD-ROM = Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
CFR = Cost and Freight
CGI = Common Gateway Interface
CIA = Central Intelligence Agency
CIDOC = The International Documentation Committee of the International Council of Museums.
CIF = Cost, Insurance and Freight
CIP = Carriage and Insurance Paid to ...
CMS = Color Management System
CMYK = Cyan Magenta Yellow Black
CNN = Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System
Co. = company
Cobol = Common Business Oriented Language
CPT = Carriage Paid to ...
DEQ = Delivered Ex Quay
DES = Ex Ship
dpi = dots per inch
DTP = desk-top publishing
EPS = Encapsulated PostScript
FAQ = Frequently Asked Question
FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
GATT = General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
HIV = human immunodeficiency virus
HTML = HyperText Markup Language
IMF = International Monetary Fund
IOC = International Olympic Committee
IP-Number = Internet Protocol Number
IRC = Internet Relay Chat
ISBN = International Standard Book Number
ISO = International Organization for Standardization
JFIF = JPEG File Interchange Format
JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
KCBT = Kansas City Board of Trade
LAN = Local Area Network
LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
LRU = Last-Recently-Used-Menue
MDI = Multiple document interface
MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MS-DOS = Microsoft Disk Operating System
NASA = National Aeronautic and Space Administration
NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC = National Broadcasting Company
OCR = Optical Character Recognition (Reader)
ODA = Office Document Architecture
OPEC = Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
PC = personal computer
PDL = Page description language
PLO = Palestine Liberation Organization
PPP = Point to Point Protocol
RGB = Red Green Blue
RIP = Raster Image Processor
RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computer
SCSI = Small Computer System Interface
SKU = stock keeping unit
SMTP = Simple Mail Transport Protocol
SPIFF = Still Picture Interchange File Format
SQL = Structured Query Language
SSL = Secure Sockets Layer
TAPI = Telefon Application Programming Interface
TIFF = Tagged Image File
TV = television
UEFA = Union of European Football Association
UNESCO = United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNICEF = United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
UNIX = computer operating system
UPC = Universal Product Code
URL = Uniform Resource Locator
UUENCODE = Unix to Unix Encoding
VRML = Virtual Reality Modelling Language
WAN = Wide Area Network
WHO = World Health Organization
WWF = World Wildlife Fund for Nature
WWW = World Wide Web